UPRVUNL - Asst / Jr Engineer/ Office Asst
http://www.uprvunl.org/pdf/recruitment_notice/Advt.%20No.%20U-10-UPRVUSA-2012.pdf - link to see advertisement Details
http://www.uprvunl.org/recruitment_notices.htm - link to apply
U.P Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd, require bright young professionals for the post of Asst /Jr Engineer/Office Asst
Asst Engineer (Trainee):
E &M Cadre
E &M Cadre
a) Thorough Knowledge of Hindi in Devnagari Script. If the candidate has not passed High School or equivalent examination in Hindi, he/she has to clear an exam conducted by the Registrar, Departmental Examination Govt. of UP within 3 years of joining.(b) Four Years Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering/(Post Code-09), Mechanical Engineering(Post Code-10) and Electronics Engineering(Post code-11) ( The word Electrical or Mechanical or Electronics as per the post code has to be essentially present in the Degree certificates for eligibility) from a University or Institution established by law in Uttar Pradesh or from any other institution recognized by State Govt. OR conducted by any of the Universities in India incorporated by any act of the Central/State legislature or by UGC OR Section "A" and "B" of the Associate Membership of the Institution of Engineers (India).
Jr Engineer (Trainee): E &M cadre
(a) Thorough Knowledge of Hindi in Devnagari Script. If the candidate has not passed High School or equivalent examination in Hindi, he/she has to clear an exam conducted by the Registrar, Departmental Examination Govt. of UP within 3 years of joining.(b) 03 Years Diploma examination in Electrical Engineering (Post code 12) Mechanical Engineering (Post code 13) and Electronics Engineering (Post code 14), ( The word Electrical or Mechanical or Electronics as per the post code has to be essentially there in Diploma certificates will only be eligible to apply) from a institute recognized by the Central/ State Govt./ Legislature. OR conducted by the "All India Council for Technical Education", Government of India, Delhi Polytechnic OR conducted by any of the Universities in India incorporated by any act of the Central/State legislature. OR National Certificates awarded by the "All India Council for Technical Education" Government of India" OR Final Examination held by the State Board of Technical Education, Uttar Pradesh for 02 years Diploma courses in Mechanical Engineering (Machine Tools Technology,) Electrical Engineering (Electrical Technology) and Electronics in respect of students trained at the under mentioned institutions: (i) Government Polytechnic, Lucknow. (ii) National Polytechnic, Nainital.
Office Asst-III
(a) Graduate degree from any recognized University(b) Typing speed in Hindi or English on computer with 35 or 40 wpm. respectively with knowledge of MS word and MS excel in computer field.The original marksheet alongwith Degree or provisional certificate shall have to be produced at the time of interview, failing which the candidature shall be rejected
Selection Procedure:For AE(T), JE(T) & OA-III): Selection shall be based on the basis of written examination (Objective Type).Assistant Engineer(T) for Group Discussion and interview.(ii) Junior Engineer(T) for Interview. (iii) Office Assistant-III for Typing test and Interview.
Last Date: 17 October 12
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